DE registration, JAMB UTME

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has uncovered no fewer than 1,665 fake A’level results during the Direct Entry (DE) registration process.

The JAMB’s weekly bulletin made available to newsmen in Abuja on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, quoted the Registrar, Prof. Is-haq Oloyede, as announcing the figures when he received officials of the National Association of Nigeria Colleges of Education Students in his office.

Oloyede said the A’level results verification was occasioned by the endemic corruption associated with the system and the need to restore the integrity of the admission process.

He noted that out of the fake results, 397 were from Colleges of Education, 453 university diplomas, and the rest for other A’level certificates.

Oloyede said the institutions must take measures to safeguard the integrity of their certificates, adding that JAMB would continue to scrutinise the certificates through measures that would stand the test of time.

The JAMB boss recalled that in the past when a candidate applied for Direct Entry, the board would ask awarding institutions to do the necessary screening and due diligence.

He however said JAMB was dumbfounded by the startling revelations from Bayero University, Kano, where out of the 148 Direct Entry applications to the institution, only six of the certificates forwarded for processing were genuine.

JAMB extends Direct Entry registration by 2 weeks

Oloyede added that it was the discovery of the monumental fraud that prompted the meeting of critical stakeholders, who met to chart ways of combating the menace.

Part of the measures suggested, the JAMB Registrar said, was the constitution of an A’level result verification task force as well as the creation of a common platform for the verification of A’level results and certificates.

He said the platform was reliable and user-friendly as it only took five minutes to verify any certificate.

Oloyede disclosed that JAMB also adopted “No verification, No admission” policy.

He said 15 institutions had not sufficiently complied with the verification requests from the board, adding that more than 20 unverified candidates were affected.

He stated that JAMB would have to pre-verify candidates applying with the certificates of the 15 institutions before they could complete their DE registration process.

Oloyede noted that in the ongoing DE registration, candidates are allowed to register while the institutions verify them at the backend.

The JAMB boss, however, declared that the 15 institutions, which were yet to fully comply, would have to pre-verify holders of their certificates before they complete the registration process.

The Star



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