Russia-Ukraine war

Russian missiles hit area near Ukrainian airport

Russian missiles struck an area near the airport of Ukraine's western city of Lviv on Friday, its mayor Andriy Sadovy…

2 years ago

Russia to U.S.: We’ve might to put you in your place

Russia, on Thursday, warned the U.S. that Moscow had the might to put the United States in its place and…

2 years ago

ICJ orders Russia to suspend military operations in Ukraine ‘immediately’

Russia must immediately suspend its military operations in Ukraine, the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled on Wednesday in…

2 years ago

UN Security Council to Vote Friday on Russia Move on Ukraine

The UN Security Council is due to vote on Friday on a Russian-drafted call for aid access and civilian protection…

2 years ago

Russian troops bomb Ukrainian theatre housing civilians

Russian forces have been accused of bombing a Ukrainian theatre as well as a pool facility in the besieged southern…

2 years ago

Biden to provide Ukraine killer drones, Switchblades

The Biden administration is considering providing Ukraine with U.S.-made killer drones cutting-edge guided missiles that could accurately target Russian tanks…

2 years ago

Putin’s ally’s yacht stuck in Norway as oil suppliers refuse to refuel it

A Russian-owned superyacht is stranded in northern Norway because local oil suppliers refuse to refuel the ship amid Russia’s war…

2 years ago

UK imposes heavy tariffs on Vodka, Russian imports

Britain on Tuesday imposed an additional 35 percent tariff on a swathe of Russian imports, from Vodka to steel, and…

2 years ago

Russia destroys Ukrainian airport

Russian bombardment caused massive damage at the airport in the eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro, regional authorities said Tuesday. "During…

2 years ago

Russia launches multiple rocket attacks in Ukraine

Russian forces have launched rocket attacks that killed “dozens” of civilians in Ukraine’s second city, and began a renewed assault…

2 years ago

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