Zion MInistry
Evangelist Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi

The Zion Prayer Movement Outreach (ZPMOM) has began its annual 100-day fasting and prayer programme.

The programme kicks off on Saturday, May 18.

The 2024 edition, themed “100 Days of Awesome Miracles and Deliverance”, will be concluded with a 3-day crusade to be held from August 23rd to Sunday, August 25.

Evangelist Chukwuebuka Anozie Obi, the Spiritual Director of the ministry, said that through the programme “God will alter lives positively and simultaneously open every closed door in the lives of those who participate actively and sincerely in the fasting and prayer.”

“The fasting and prayer is a potent means of exposing yourself to the supernatural magnetic force of God that will inevitably enable you to attract favours, connections, blessings, and transformations in all ramifications,” he stated.

Video: Zion Ministry is prophecy with instant solutions – Ebuka

Speaking at the midweek Prophetic and Deliverance programme on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Evangelist Ebuka added, however, that the fasting must be backed up by prayers, staying away from sin and immorality, embracing righteousness, charity and purity of heart to attract God’s mercy and blessings.

He urged Zionites to take a cue from his life of personal sacrifice, abstinence from sex and alcohol, abnegation, righteousness and constant fasting to unleash God’s grace and mercy.

He informed the audience that the venue of the crusade would be disclosed in due course as the ministry’s headquarters at Ago, Okota, Lagos, would not contain the Multitude of Zionites expected to come for the programme from across the world.

The 2023 edition saw the main auditorium, the 14 plots and the 40 plots filled to the brim, with the crowd spilling over into all the adjoining streets of Onyebuchi Estate in Okota. This has prompted the search for a much larger venue for the 2024 event, Ebuka explained.

During the 100 days programme, Evangelist Ebuka will also hold the divine mercy prayers at 3 p.m. and Open Heavens at 11 p.m. daily for prophetic declarations and instant solutions.

The Star



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